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Principal's Message

Greetings Star Lake Families,

Happy New Year and welcome back to school!  I hope your family had a fun and restful break! We always like to take the time after a break to revisit our classroom expectations, check in with students and see if we need to make any revisions, and “reboot” that energy and excitement needed to be active, engaged learners!  This week we have been discussing and practicing our common area behavior expectations: hallway, classroom, lunchroom, playground and bus expectations and what it means to be “Kind, Safe and Productive” at school. So far, our scholars are doing a great job! As always, we appreciate the continued support from family members at home.

In addition to restarting and reviewing expectations, January is a month in which we spend a good deal of time assessing student progress. Students will be taking the iReady reading and math diagnostic assessment to measure growth. Teachers will be assessing standards to ensure scores on report cards accurately reflect current student progress. We will also be giving students a new diagnostic reading assessment that evaluates students’ fluency (rate, expression and accuracy) when reading. This assessment will help us pinpoint reading interventions for our students.

Students’ progress will be documented on report cards, which will go home with your child on Friday, February 7th.  On the report card you will see your child’s current reading level and descriptor. Their current iReady assessment scores will also populate.  Students are assessed on their progress toward meeting the requirements for ELA, math, science, social studies, music and PE standards for each grade level. The report card lists broad, overall standards and skills that each priority standard feeds into. This format makes the report card more user friendly for parents to read and understand than listing each specific priority standard. Students will receive a 4,3,2, or 1 for standards assessed.

We are looking forward to continuing our learning journey with our students as we move through the rest of this school year.

I wish your family joy, health and happiness in the coming year!

Best Regards,

Kris Rennie, principal
Principle Rennie