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Principal's Message

Greetings Star Lake Families,

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year!  Our staff and students have been busy this past week building relationships, and learning routines. At Star Lake we all strive to be KIND, SAFE AND PRODUCTIVE. We help students be successful with this by explicitly teaching behavior expectations for all areas in the school, by creating social contracts within our classrooms, and by rewarding students demonstrating positive behavior choices with Star Lake Way tickets.  In addition, over the next two weeks Mr. Geving (our assistant principal) and Mrs. Williams (our counselor) are visiting each classroom and delivering Harassment/Intimidation/ Bullying lessons and information.  
I am so proud of the positive interactions I have seen between students so far, and I know they will keep it up! 
I hope many of you had the opportunity to come and see your child’s classroom at our ice cream social.  Please also plan to come join us for these important events and meetings:
  • Our Back to School BBQ/Open House will be Thursday, September 19th from 5:30-7:00. You’ll have an opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher, join me for an informational meeting, and have a FREE hot dog meal. We are looking forward to seeing ALL of our families at the open house!
  • Our first PTA meeting will be Wednesday, September 25th at 3:30 in our library. This meeting is open to ALL parents and guardians who are interested in learning more about our school and how they can partner with us. Please join us!
  • PARENT ADVISORY:  This committee is open to all parents and guardians who would like to join me once a month, after our 3:30 PTA meetings and before our 6:00 PTA meetings (we will be alternating), to gather YOUR input about our school. What is going well, what can we improve, what ideas do you have?  If you are interested in joining this team, please sign up in the gym during our open house, or come to our first PTA meeting.
 Our teachers are also focusing on learning routines and discussion protocols to help students engage in rigorous academic conversations. And, September is the month in which we conduct our iReady diagnostic assessment, we begin Lexia computer reading lessons and iReady math computer skill practice. 
Please take time to read the rest of this newsletter for important information. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions, feedback, or input you have.
Here’s to a great year!

Kris Rennie, principal
Principle Rennie