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Recipe Book Entries Due Feb. 12th

Recipe Book Entries Due Feb. 12th

This year we invite your family to contribute their favorite recipes to this special cookbook. Whether it's a cherished family secret, a traditional dish from your homeland, or a new favorite you've discovered, we want to celebrate the families of our Star Lake community!

  • Submit Your Recipe: Submit your recipe by scanning the QR code or emailing Mrs. Hilderbrand at You can also fill out the attached form at the bottom of this newsletter.
  • Include a Story: If you have a special story or memory associated with the recipe, we would love for you to share it!
  • Photos Welcome: Feel free to include a photo of the dish or your family enjoying it.
  • Submission Deadline: Please submit your recipes by February 12th.

Cook books will be available at our March Multicultural Night event.

QR For Recipe Book